Money Mentors volunteers build financial capacity in our local communities by providing financial education and coaching to individuals. Mentoring consists of working one-on-one with people who have asked for help with their personal finances as well as the opportunity to do community outreach through displays, community events, and other projects.
Money Mentors volunteers receive approximately 30 hours of training in money management, financial mentoring, and community resources. Some home study is required. Opportunities are provided during training to apply financial knowledge to case examples and to practice mentoring skills. This course provides people with the training needed to be a Money Mentor volunteer.
To participate in this course, please submit an application. You can learn more at Illinois Extension's Money Mentors' website.

Designed for people who have completed Money Mentors Volunteer training, this digital portal provides a one-stop place to access continuing education materials (organized by topic) as well as a site to review training materials.